
Saturday, October 17, 2015

Thankful by Babs Kincaid

Photo by NC's most distinguished photographer Alan Ostmann

Thankful by Babs Kincaid

Thankful I am safe & secure in God’s love.
Thankful God sealed my salvation from above.

Thankful I can enter God’s peaceful rest.
Thankful that God’s plan was created for my best.

Thankful that God doesn’t treat me as my sins deserve.
Thankful that God’s mercy is an endless reserve.

Thankful for the beautiful majesty of four seasons.
Thankful God’s handiwork is greater than reason.

Thankful God provided family & friends as a great treasure.
Thankful for blessed memories beyond measure.

Oh give thanks to the Lord for he is good,
for his steadfast love endures forever!

Want to Get out of the Trap of Walking by Sight?

Photography by NC's finest artist Alan Ostmann

Want to get out of the trap of walking by sight?
By Babs Kincaid

Do you ever fall into the trap of walking by earthly sight and not God’s light? There is hope for breaking free from walking by sight. When that happens to me I often engage in negative thinking and unrealistic expectations. In my experience that relates to negative thinking regarding people, places and things.  These two character defects pull me down into the ugly mental state of disappointment and discouragement. In addition, I find myself projecting negative thoughts and unrealistic expectations on God. This deteriorating state of affairs is like swimming into a tangled mass of horrid seaweed with jellyfish! Now that’s a painful place to be! Can you picture it? I’ve been stung by jellyfish and I cried!  Can you think about a time in your own life when your circumstances seemed to overwhelm you with darkness and you couldn’t seem to find the light?

               One of the problems with walking by earthly sight and not God’s light is it keeps God out of the equation. My walking by sight limits God and I become focused on the natural world of limited sight. God’s light engages the supernatural power of infinite possibilities that defy time and space. The Bible best describes how I truly see all things: “For now we see in a mirror dimly,” 1 Corinthians 13:12. So the truth is my vision is really distorted.

               When I am walking by sight, I find myself listening to Satan’s lying voice in my head which crushes my spirit. He is notorious for telling me “if God really loved you your situation would improve and God would answer your prayers.”  The voice of darkness is still the voice of deception whose role is to steal, kill and destroy my faith in God.  If I am feeling hopeless it is a strong possibility I have let my guard down and have let the enemy’s voice influence me.

               It is good for me to recall who God really is. God is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, the creator of the universe, the mountain mover, the Master healer, the one who raises the dead, the one who parts the Red Sea, the Good Shepherd, and the one who died for me. Now that is truly exceptional and extraordinary! God is the one who perfectly placed the sun the precise distance from the earth so we would not get burnt. In reality, when I think about my life being in God’s hands I feel relieved and grateful!

Do you want to get out the trap of walking by sight and overcome your negative mind set? I have to seek refuge from the storm by reaching out to God in prayer and reading His love letters to me.  I have to journal and meditate on God’s word. God reminds me, “For you have delivered me from death and my feet from stumbling, that I may walk before God in the light of life.” Psalm 56:13 God reassures me my blessings come from my union with him “Blessed are those who have learned to acclaim you, who walk in the light of your presence, LORD.” Psalm 88:15 God restores my heart and mind to remember this truth: “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” John 8:12 God loves on me and encourages me that my true identity is being a follower of Christ and he will help me to continue on the right path and meet my needs. 

With God the sky is the limit for helping his kids! Yea God! “He who did not spare his own son, but gave him up for us all-How will he not also graciously give us all things.” Romans 8:32