“To Glorify God,
a widow of Faith pursues Boston Marathon Dream”
by Babs Kincaid
What motivates a widow and mother of four to set her sights on the Boston Marathon? Trish Cashen’s heart’s desire was to realize a dream come true and glorify God in the process. Trish is a woman of Godly vision with overcoming faith. Her goal was not only to qualify for the Boston Marathon but to do well enough to eliminate having to go through the lottery. She explained to me her desire was for a “solid win.” Trish is the kind of gal that desires to live out this verse: And whatever you do, whether in word or in deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.” Colossians 3:17
So let’s look at Trish’s humble spiritual approach to achieve her qualifying goal. Trish was not running solo but running with Jesus all the way. She covered her entire training with fervent prayer. She prayed every day: “for the Lord to protect all of her running parts from damage or hurt.” So when Trish ran she wore “rock tape and magnetic knee supports” to protect her knees. She knew her inner strength would only come from God: “But those who wait on the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall walk and not faint.” Isaiah 40:31 What a beautiful reward from God, to soar like an eagle and have your strength renewed!
Trish realized such a demanding run would require her to be in top-notch physical shape! Realistically, she decided she would have to drop “20-25 pounds for less beating on her body”. Wow, that’s a lot! Trish described her physical concern: “With that kind of training, I did not want to injure my knees. I knew to accomplish both, I needed to lose weight. Think of it, I took off five 5 pound bags of sugar that I was not carrying each step. Also, I was not happy in my own skin.” Her rigorous running schedule included 18 weeks of grueling running before daylight! Did you hear that, Trish got up super early many hours before daylight and ran while everyone else was sleeping! Wow that is commitment and courage! A typical weekly schedule would including Monday resting, Tuesday running 3-5 miles depending on the week, Wednesday running 3-10 miles depending on the week, Thursday running 2-5 miles depending on the week, Friday resting, Saturday running 5-20 miles depending on the week and Sunday would be cross, half-marathon, and marathon running. After Trish lost the 25 pounds she joyfully said: “The weight loss was tremendous. I felt like I was running with the wind.”
What kind of overcoming mindset did Trish exhibit to achieve her marathon vision? One of Godly virtues she demonstrated was patience: “Let us run with endurance the race God has set before us.” Hebrews 12:1 Eighteen weeks of running is quite a test of patience! Self-control was another fruit of the Spirit that Trish had to adhere to all the way. Consider this powerful verse: “Make every effort to add to your faith…self-control” 2 Peter 1:5a, 6a, and Trish wisely changed her life’s theme song from “living to eat, to eating to live.” That requires major self-control! No doubt Trish counted on her faith to prevail when fatigue kicked in on mile 20 of the race. She didn’t give into her body when doubts of finishing bombarded her mind! Check it out: “You will keep him in perfect peace, those whose minds are steadfast because they trust in you.” Isaiah 26:3 Trish held onto the Prince of Peace to see her through her grueling challenge without wavering in unbelief!
A new nourishment plan was created by Trish to align with her heavy duty running strategy. She was committed to saying goodbye to all sugars! She is quoted as saying: “Sugars were poison to me. That at first was challenging.” Trish had to be rigid in saying NO to sugar! Listen to her revised nutrition plan: “Watermelon became my go-to for sweets. I found when you eat plenty of protein, the desire for sugar fades. So the calories that I burned in running outweighed the calories I took in eating. The days I didn’t run, I made sure my intake was less than 1000.” Crucial for crossing the finish line is being fully hydrated. Trish had learned that lesson in her practice runs and so wisely hydrated herself 48 hours before the race. Trish told me if dehydration kicks in you literally have to stop running! Her surprising words were: “Drinking was almost harder than the actual training.” Trish isn’t fond of the bland taste of water so overdosing on it was difficult for her. Truly her game plan included healthy food, plus a diligent running schedule plus the phenominal wisdom of Christ.
Confidence embraced Trish on the day of the race, as she said: “I knew on my end I had done everything I could to be prepared. The rest was up to God.” I was not surprised that she crossed the finish line On August 26, 2017, at Grand Island, Nebraska with a winning time of 4 hours, 11 minutes and 43 seconds. All she needed to qualify was 4 hours and 40 minutes. “To the faithful, God shows himself faithful.” Psalm 18:25 Yea God!!! Yea Trish!!! So another sweet take away from winning the qualifying race for her was gratitude! In Trish’s own words: “For me, I thank the LORD daily, for allowing me to run and to be happy in my own skin again! It’s a disciplined life. But isn’t that our calling, to be disciplined in all things?” Well said Trish! I can see this verse reflected in her life: “So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all to the glory of God.” 1 Corinthians 10:31 That’s what makes her story so motivating and inspirational! Yea God! Yea Trish! So what great adventure is God stirring up in you??????
When Trish is not running, she facilitates a weekly women’s home Bible study, hosts a periodic WOW (Women of the Word) women’s home gathering and leads an Alzheimer’s/Dementia support group at Calvary Church in Jupiter, Florida and does so much more with her grandkids!!!