
Thursday, May 18, 2017

Faith Lessons I Learned from trying to be Wonder Woman By Babs Kincaid

Surprise, no matter how hard I try to fool myself I am not "wonder woman"! I know that will come as a big shock to all my friends and family but the truth still hurts!  Lol!!! Recently I attempted to walk in a charity fundraiser with some of my coworkers. I felt like my wonder woman skills were intact so it would be a walk in the park. My goal was to shine the light for the LORD and be a positive witness. I thought what working out skills I lacked I could make up with my faith! Not so much! I had slacked off from my power walks around my condo pond but I had confidence in myself! “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Philippians 4:13 Right? So I decided to first hit the loo or restroom (although I never see anyone resting in there) sorry! When I came back everyone had taken off from the starting block. Another shocker! Wonder woman can catch up, right? I noticed when I caught up with the first group of racers, some folks had opted to walk on the sidewalk rather than in the middle of the road, Cool! So I opted to take the shortcut so I could soon join my coworkers, Brilliant right! Not so much! They should post a sign for hopeful wonder women “watch for hazards especially bumps like metal posts holding up signs!” Well, I found that very hazard and went flying in the air with the greatest of ease! My landing was quite ugly! OUCH, times 10! My whole left side was screaming bloody murder!!! On the second lap of the race, my coworkers spotted me! At first, they said “Oh no man down!” and then they said, “Oh, no it’s Babs!” not the claim to fame I was going for! The good news was I was near a hospital! The bad news was I had broken my Humerus bone in my left arm! Not so funny! Humor, get it! My coworkers gave me the VIP treatment paying my expensive parking ticket and getting my meds and driving me home! Yea God! I missed out on the wonder woman t-shirt!!!

Too bad I missed the glaring sign!

The second encouraging lesson I learned was how deeply I am loved by my coworkers, Jupiter Calvary Church family, and other Christian friends! The good news is I felt loved! The bad news is my injury would take 4-6 weeks to heal! Not the dream vacation I was shooting for but I choose to make the most of it! Since “a cheerful heart is good medicine.” Proverbs 17:22 I experienced a lot of love and joy daily visiting my home! My church family brought me love gifts in the form of flowers, groceries, $, meals, gifts like apple cutters, books, button-down shirts and cards and more. They performed acts of service like taking out the trash, getting my mail, taking me to orthopedic appointments, washing my hair, washing my dishes, washing and dusting my floor, watering my plants, cleaning and cutting up fruit and vegetables, preparing meals, doing my laundry, making my bed and opening containers for me and more. My church paid a big bill, bought groceries and flowers. Are you feeling the love yet like I have? Yea God!!! Yea Calvary! Other sisters in Christ have brought the love caravan to my house with food and flowers. Yea sisters in Christ! Best of all I have enjoyed quality time and prayers with all these precious people!

My third blessed lesson from my wonder woman excursion is wisdom on how to minister to women who have been injured. I feel the Lord is helping me become more compassionate toward those who have special physical needs. I had no idea what it was like to be limited to one hand and be told by the doctor to be immobile to accelerate my healing. I am so grateful for all the love, mercy, joy and prayers I have received! The word says it best “Freely you have received, so freely give.” Matthew 10:8 One dear sister even washed my feet and lavished coconut lotion on them! Now that was a pure Heaven drop! Jesus said “you also should wash one another’s feet…Very truly I tell you no servant is greater than his master…now that you know these things, you will be blessed if you do them.” John 13:14b, 16a, 17

I may not be wonder woman but I am “his workmanship created in Christ Jesus for good works.” Ephesians 2:10 Yea God!!!


  1. Replies
    1. Truthfully, it takes one person and a church to even come close to a vision of wonder woman!

  2. Thanks for your awesome support! God bless you!
